

Version 2.3.44

Release Date : 15-Aug-2020

Size of application : 3.6 GB

System requirements

Release notes

  • Created Melon Control Panel
  • Fixed Issues related Weather
  • added Splash Screen While Melon Is loading
  • Created option to open Melon In text Mode
  • Added Systray Icon to
  • Other Major Bug fixes

  • Looking for Insider releases?

    click here to view

    Version 2.0.3

    Release notes

  • Fixed known security issues relaed to logging
  • Added feature to change the tone of the voice
  • Fixed issue related to loading 'intents.lon'
  • Added optional feature to send error data to server

  • Modules prior to V 2.0 are depreciated

    Version 1.1.7

    Release notes

  • +Fixed Updater from not responding during update
  • +created .saspath file to store paths
  • +added feature to send error data to the server
  • +Fixed security issues related to weather data scrappping

  • Version 1.1

    Release notes

  • +Added support to install melon in different paths
  • +added weather support
  • +start update button disabled after clicked once
  • +logging enabled
  • +minor bug fixes from v1.0
  • -depreciated .tar files
  • -depreciated builds before Version 1.0

  • Version 1.0

    [depreciated due to security issue]

    see Release notes

    Version 0.6

    [melon's first release]

  • Date : 19-Jul-2020
  • Relase notes

  • Added Voice
  • Added speech recognition
  • Created Updater
  • Powered by SAS tech